Introducing the Lions Eye Health Program (LEHP)
Vision Impairment is a huge, vastly underrated and overlooked problem in Australia
Our Aim – To reduce the incidence and impact of vision loss in the Australian Community through a Lions auspiced, community based awareness and education program.
The Lions Eye Health Program was launched in Australia as a pilot project in 2000. This initial trial, funded by LCIF as a SightFirst project was conducted in District 201V2 where it proved highly successful. More than two thirds of all clubs participated in the first twelve months. With further significant funding from SightFirst, the program was extended nationally in 2001. Since that time more than 60% of all Lions Clubs in Australia have undertaken some type of LEHP promotion . In May 2006 the MD National Convention endorsed a proposal for the Lions Eye Health Program – Australia to become a Multiple District Category B Project. This endorsement recognised the impact that LEHP has made in educating our community about avoidable vision loss and blindness. The program continues to operate as Category B Project and is funded by voluntary donations received from Lions and Lioness clubs across Australia.
The International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) recommends the following 4Ps:
Lions Recycle for Sight Australia![]()
Lions Recycle for Sight Australia is part of the Lions Clubs International Worldwide Eyeglass Recycling Program, headquartered in Queensland and operating throughout Australia and overseas.
We receive requests from humanitarian organisations either travelling to a third world country or supplying shipping container loads of suitable humanitarian aid from Australia to groups in the third world.
Over the 26 years that the Australian program has operated, the program, has delivered over 7 million pair of refurbished quality spectacles to men, women and children in need in Africa, Europe, Middle East, Indian Sub- continent, East Asia, and the Far East, China, the countries of the Pacific Rim and Southern Asia and Oceania. In the past 10 years several members of our Marine Branch have been able to use their oceangoing yachts to reach and test villagers, in the remotest areas for eyesight and deliver spectacles to them.
Our address is PO Box 3021 CLONTARF MDC 4019.
Lions Recycle for Sight Australia ABN 37 166 954 081
So if you have glasses, hearing aids or contact lenses to donate, click here for your options!
Mobile: 0406 884 388