About Us
District 201V6 is spread along the mighty Murray river, stretching from Quambatook & Kerang in the west to Corryong in the East, from Lockhart in the north to Bright in the south.
Our 55 Clubs & 5 Leo clubs span the Victoria - New South Wales border with clubs in both states.
As a member of Lions Australia you will experience a number of personal benefits including leadership skills, a sense of self-worth and purpose, business skills, networking opportunities and lifelong friendships.
What we do
Lions Australia has a proud history of achievement in Disaster and Emergency Relief, Medical Research and Community Service. We were at the coalface for Cyclone Tracy, the Black Saturday bush fires and the Queensland floods.
We were involved with the development of the bionic ear and the cervical cancer vaccine Gardasil, developed by Prof Ian Frazer AC, a former Lions Medical Research Foundation Fellow. We also inspired a young Fred Hollows and continue to provide funding for a range of other research initiatives involving diabetes and autism.
We assist with local community fundraising for special causes and help with the development and building of local parks, community venues, and sporting centres.
Membership is vital to keep our Service Work going
Childhood Cancer Foundation
We believe EVERY child deserves a chance at a HEALTHY life!
ALCCRF has raised over $10 million for childhood cancer research and has supported countless Australian organisations leading the fight against childhood cancer.
V6 District ALCCRF Chairperson
PDG John Houghton
email: john.houghton@elders.com.au
Visit the ALCCRF FACEBOOK page
Visit Laying It on the line for Kids with Cancer
Protecting our children and grandchildren from Paediatric Cancers is a cause close to the hearts of parents and grandparents alike throughout Australia. We are sure that all Lions would love to help the Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation (ALCCRF) support this essential work. One simple way that Lions and the greater community can help to raise funds is by hosting a “Coinline”.Read Laying it on the line for Kids with Cancer to see how your club can help.
If you have any queries, please contact coinlineforkids@lions.org.au
The Barry J Palmer Fellow recognises outstanding support for Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation’s vision of 100% survival for kids with cancer. A recipient of this fellowship will be recognised for being one of our ambassadors helping kids fulfill their right to a healthy life.
Congratulations to District Governor John Houghton
Congratulations to our new District Governor – Lion John Houghton from the Lions Club of Wangaratta – who is District Governor for 2023-24.
The International President for this year is Dr Patti Hill, from Canada.
Lions Australia on YouTube
Follow the link below to take you to the Lions Australia YouTube channel where you will find lots of news and videos to watch, showcasing Lions in Australia.
46th District Convention
20th-22nd October 2023
This convention was held in Beechworth and was a great success.
Next year's convention will be in Wangaratta.
Club News
District 201V6 Junior Public Speaking Program 30/11/2024
Childhood Cancer Foundation 01/08/2024
Welcome to DG Julie Ballard – our new DG for the 2024-2025 Lions Year 01/08/2024
Cakes & Mints 02/02/2024
Licola Village 02/02/2024
Youth of the Year 01/01/2024
Cakes 01/01/2024
Congratulations to District Governor John Houghton 23/07/2023
District News
District 201V6 Junior Public Speaking Program 30/11/2024
Welcome to DG Julie Ballard – our new DG for the 2024-2025 Lions Year 01/08/2024
Congratulations to District Governor John Houghton 23/07/2023
Lions Australia on YouTube 03/05/2023
MD 201 Convention 2023 – on the Gold Coast 03/05/2023
National News
Youth of the Year 2023 03/05/2023
Lions to support the 10-year-old Gold Coast helicopter crash victim 29/03/2023
Lions go above and beyond to help communities impacted by Wooroloo bushfire 29/03/2023
Lions come together to help Elmore Village 29/03/2023
Beware e-mail scams targetting Lions 28/06/2022
We are the Lions
We meet the needs of our local communities and the world.
Our 1.44 million men and women in 208 countries and geographic areas conduct vision and health screenings, build parks, support eye hospitals, award scholarships, assist youth, provide help in time of disaster and much more.
Join us in making our communities and the world better places to live.